Vintage Fire Museum
The Vintage Fire Museum in Louisville Kentucky is a great place for history lovers to visit. The Museum features several items related to fire fighting, such as historic fire trucks and sirens. Kids can climb on the old trucks and crank the sirens. They can even wear fire hats. The museum is a great place for families and groups to spend the day. You can visit the museum at 706 Spring St, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. Here, you can learn about the different fire departments throughout the nation.
The Vintage Fire Museum is currently in New Albany, but plans to expand to Jeffersonville. The new location will be located in the former Bales Auto Mall. The museum is a six-thousand-square-foot building, so you can walk through the collection and explore the fire engines. The exhibits will include some of the oldest fire trucks and steamers. One of the most notable pieces is a 1756 fire engine that served the towns of Portsmouth and Port Henry, New York. Another one was built in 1875 in Paris. The collection also includes the first chemical-fire engine in the United States.
The museum is relocating from New Albany to Jeffersonville. The new location is a former auto mall lot, and will have a special Valentine’s Day event called “Kindle the Flame.” The event will feature a special fire truck photo and a heart-shaped candy package. Tickets cost $20 per person, or $15 for members. This event is held on February 14, 2019 from 5-8 PM at the Vintage Fire Museum.
The Vintage Fire Museum is a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The museum will hold a special Valentine’s Day event called Kindle the Flame, where attendees will receive a bottle of champagne, a package of heart-shaped candy, and a free photo on a fire truck. This special event costs $20 per person, and it is open to the public. Members will pay only $15 to participate in the Valentine’s Day event.
The museum is a great place to celebrate Valentine’s Day. The museum is hosting a special event on February 14 called Kindle the Flame. This event will feature champagne, a free photo on a vintage fire truck, and a heart-shaped candy package. Admission is $20 per person, and members can attend for $15. The museum is a great place to spend Valentine’s Day. You can celebrate the holiday in a unique way.
The Vintage Fire Museum will be open on Valentine’s Day. The museum will hold its annual Muster, which is a celebration of firefighters. The event will feature half-priced admission and a parade of vintage fire trucks from the 1700s. If you’re lucky enough to attend, you and your partner will get half-priced admission. When it comes to celebrating love, there’s no better gift to give than a love-themed date.